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Mother’s Day Feelings

After your partner passes away, Mother’s Day takes on a whole different feeling. You have become both Mother and Father. You have all of the responsibilities…..everything adult is you.  Trying to take time to celebrate you may seem not so special but it is even more important now.

But you are special.  

You’re still here. You’re moving on. You are breathing.  Take some time to celebrate these small victories.

Let others celebrate you if they are so inclined. Accept the accolades.

Take some time to celebrate yourself.  Do something that you enjoy….take a walk, drink a glass of wine, have some chocolate, read a book, watch a movie….whatever it is that will bring you a moment of peace or joy. Remember, your self care is important.

Some words of wisdom

  • You aren’t going to screw up your kids.
  • Love them where they are at in their grief.
  • You’re doing the best you can.
  • You are all going to get through it –together, as a family.
    • It may look a lot different than your original plan.
  • You are going to be fine.
    • Sometimes good and sometimes not so much – that’s normal.
  • Savor the little moments…they grow up way too quickly.
  • They are struggling as well and they are trying to accept the new way of things just as you are.

We hope you have a blessed Mother’s Day. May you have love and peace on your special day.

Sending you peace & blessings,

Jeni & Teresa

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