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Sunrise Cross on Hill

Peace & Blessings

During this Holiest of weeks of Easter and Passover, we would like to wish you many blessings and much peace.

The resurrection of Christ and the knowledge that we will all be with him someday brings many of us peace. Many of us widows live daily with the wish that we could “resurrect” our partners and have life as it was before and yet, we live with the knowledge that we cannot bring our partners back into this life.  This is the journey that we all share. The knowledge that, in Christ’s return, He will bring all of the saints back to Him does give us hope that we will see our loved ones again. In that, may you all find peace.

As you go through this winding and twisting journey, remember:

  • Breathe
  • It’s YOUR journey – go at your own pace
  • Take good care of yourself first
    • Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup.  Fill up you first.
  • Don’t be afraid to establish and hold true to boundaries that support you.
    • It’s healthy to say no.
  • Enjoy your family and friends around you
    • If they aren’t supportive the find those that are
  • Filter their advice & counsel…take the golden nuggets and cherish them…throw out the spoiled eggs
  • Attend what brings you joy and decline what doesn’t.
  • Eat the chocolate & enjoy what you can of the celebration.

Many Blessings and Peace.

Jeni & Teresa

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Thank you in advance! Jeni & Teresa

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