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Thank you for 8 years – Let’s Celebrate!

We realized that it has been 8 years and 1 month since we started this blog on June 2, 2016. As we have often said that you need to take time and celebrate even the small things, we wanted to take a moment and practice what we preach. Today we are going to take a moment to celebrate what we have done and take a moment to ask for your input as we move the blog forward.

Thank You to our readers and supporters!

Without you and your support this wouldn’t be possible. Without you and God’s continued nudge this resource wouldn’t exist. We appreciate all of our friends, family, colleagues and others who have shared and/or commented on our blogs and newsletters. We’re especially grateful for those who have purchased our books and shared with others. Thank you again! 

Celebrating our Accomplishments 

During this time, we have written a blog every two weeks where we discuss the widow experience and the widow journey. Sometimes, it has been very raw and other times, we have tried to make it a little lighter. We hope that our writings have blessed you in some way and helped you to find peace along the way.

In the past eight years, we have also presented at a homeless shelter, a church, and at various conferences along the way. In this way, we have walked beside and assisted those who have entered into this club that nobody wants to be in.

On an individual level, Teresa Bitner ( works as a professional credentials coach ( ). Jeni McIntosh-Elkins ( has entered a doctoral program in Adult & Community Education with the focus of her dissertation being how we lead the newly grieved into grief and ways we could do it better.

Together, we have written two journals to help the grief process.
The First Days: Coping with Life After Loss is a journal for those who are newly grieved and just beginning to process the loss

My Journey as a Widow: A Widow’s First Journal is a journal for those who are a little further along the line. 

Next journal – Self-Care & Self-Love for Widows & Widowers
We are seeking your input as we begin to consider our third book about self love and self care in the grief process. Please click here to share your ideas and topics you think are important: (

We are presently considering topics to include our next book on self love and self care for widows. As we are working on this endeavor, we are asking for your input on possible topics.  What would you like to hear about self-love and self-care while you are grieving? (

Please click here if there is something you would like to see in our newest book on self-love : (

Free resources available to you and those in need of support

While celebrating our work, we wanted to remind you of our free resources (Resources Page) that are available to you. We have an extensive resource page for the grieving including: General Grief support, Widow/Widower and Children specific,  Traumatic Grief, Boundaries, and Organ Donation. Save and bookmark this link for future grief needs. Please share with others as well to help those who need it. 

We also have a free resource that has been used as a helpful tool and resource with other widows and widowers, especially right after the loss:  Free Download 10 Ways to Move Forward After Loss We hope that our 10 Ways helps you on your grief journey. Click here to receive your download.

How to get our published journals (click the links to order from Amazon)

The First Days: Coping with Life After Loss

This book is to assist those who are in the early stages of the grief journey. Those first days after losing your spouse are challenging, to say the very least. This book is intended to help guide you through that time and allow you a place to record your emotions, thoughts, and needs.

My Journey as a Widow: A Widow’s First Journal

This journal is for those who are widowed and are looking for assistance in working through the complex feelings and emotions that happen in this phase of life. It is a way to cultivate hope and move forward. While nobody ever wants to be a widow/widower, it’s a journey we have to travel through once it has begun. We hope that this journal will assist you in finding your way.

As move forward into year nine, we as Torn in Half will continue our mission – to be a resource for widows and widowers. We will continue to listen to God and  continue our bi-weekly blogs and are writing the next journal. 

Our best piece of advice? Take the time to breathe. Yes, just breathe. Everything else will come in its time. 

Peace and Blessings,
Teresa & Jeni

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