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Grief Journey & Stages – Let’s talk about them

We often use the term grief journey to describe our personal journeys through the grief stages. Often, you will hear us refer to the widow journey in many of our blogs.  Today we came to the realization that we have not discussed the steps or stages of said journey.


We are starting a series of blogs to explain what these grief “stages” are according to the experts. Look for our upcoming blogs to start moving through these stages of grief and how we moved and/or are moving through them.  Some experts even disagree on the number of steps. Some say 5 — others say 7. See our resources page for more in depth information on what the “experts” say.

Although many give an order to these stages, you may find that, in your journey, you move in and out of them. Do not worry, this is normal.  We will cover them in the given order but know that you may (and probably will) move in and out of them throughout your journey.

We will refer to the Kübler-Ross model as our reference point. Most experts agree that these stages are not necessarily linear or chronological – so know you are perfectly normal wherever you may land on this guideline. It’s a guideline not a step by step process. Your journey through these steps may look more like a roller coaster than a linear trip.  Many experts agree that this is normal to have a non-linear journey through these steps.

“The Kübler-Ross model (otherwise known as the five stages of grief) postulates a progression of emotional states experienced by both terminally ill patients after diagnosis and by loved-ones after a death. The five stages are chronologically: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.” –

These stages/journey we will writing about throughout the rest of 2018. DABDA – Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.

We will start next time with Denial and what that looks like, what’s normal, and our personal journeys. If you want to learn more in the meantime – check out our updated Resources Page to learn more.

We would love to hear from you and know if this is a topic you are interested in and what your thoughts are about the stages and if you have any stories you would like to share. Please comment, share and let’s connect.  Please share your thoughts with us.

Love & Blessings,

Jeni & Teresa

P.S. Torn in Half News

Jeni and I are writing a book from our blog series and would like to invite our readers to offer subjects, topics or items you want us to blog about and/or include in our book. The intention is to produce a useful resource and workbook for widows and widowers.Please send us your book topics and subjects.

Disclaimer: We cannot personally endorse any of these websites, books, or organizations. We are not mental health, legal, or financial professionals. Please use these sources for information only and consult professionals as necessary.