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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays & Happy New Year

As we wind down this year, we’d like to express our gratitude to all of our readers and supporters. We hope our words and stories have blessed your journey and made your travels a little lighter. 

We pray that all of you take this season at your own pace and give yourself the grace to take the time you need. We pray that you have the strength to say no to what does not serve you well and yes to the events/items/things that do benefit you.

We want to take this time to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Blessed New Year. Remember that self-care is essential in your journey. We pray that you will be able to set aside some time to take care of yourself amidst the chaotic pace of this season. Please allow yourself to say no when you need to and to say yes to those things/events that you want in your life at this time.

Whether you are a new widow or widower, or well on your widowhood journey, or looking for resources for a loved one, we hope that our words and stories will benefit your journey and guide you along your way. Here are some blogs that we have written that may help you this holiday season:

Remember that this time of year can be overwhelming even when we are not grieving. Gift yourself with some time alone if you need it. Schedule it if you must. It is ok to say no and set aside time just for you. It is also ok to reach out if you need assistance. In fact, we encourage you to do so.

Remember, this is your journey. While others are well-meaning, they sometimes cannot understand our grief journey as they are not traveling it. Don’t feel guilty about what you cannot do. Remember –no is a complete sentence and needs no further explanation. Celebrate what you can do this season. 




Celebrate you’ve survived, and celebrate what makes sense for you. 

Rest and Relax.

Enjoy what you can and let others do what you cannot. 

In the meantime, let HIS warmth and love surround you as we celebrate HIS birth.

May Peace and Blessings surround you this season, and may you find comfort and joy in this season. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!

Peace and blessings,
Jeni & Teresa

PS: For additional support, you can download our free copy of 10 Ways to Move Forward After Loss

The First Days: Coping with Life After Loss is a resource for the first days after a loss – available on Amazon in paperback.

My Journey as a Widow: A Widow’s First Journal is a follow-on journal for processing complex emotions and moving forward with hope, available on Amazon in paperback.

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