Peach Roses & Blue Carnations
Bob and I had dated off and on for many years before we married. During the end of our courtship, Bob surprised me with a homemade dinner for us…
Bob and I had dated off and on for many years before we married. During the end of our courtship, Bob surprised me with a homemade dinner for us…
Teresa’s 1 Year 10/2010 The impending week before I was a wreck, up and down. Emotionally all over the place. I was wishing the entire month of October would just…
For me, apparently, my grief recovery from my husband's loss was going to be scattered with other losses in a variety of forms. At the 3 month mark (February), I…
Teresa’s Story - March 2010 Six months and we are surviving mostly. For spring break I thought me and they boys should get away for a quick trip. I thought…
What is normal? It is normal to have your grief affect all aspects of your life. Physically - you may still feel tired, changes in diet and/or sleep. Thought processes-…
Teresa’s Story The wedding ring. It can be so complicated. At first I couldn’t imagine ever taking it off. We had been married 20 years and he was still such…
Jeni's story: On the night that Bob died, my Pastor poured some oils into a handkerchief and handed it to me. The scent of that handkerchief helped me through that…
As a person in the grief and loss field, I know intellectually the first year is the most challenging. Plan ahead for those firsts you know are likely to trigger…
The holidays during grief are hard to say the very least. Happy this and Merry that, when you are not feeling so happy or merry. You get that email invite…
Updated 2/18/21 The sense of overwhelming emotion and loss and love and rage and …… it washes over us when we least expect it. Standing at a window display of…